The Marketing Bible Blog


What to Do if You Don't Have Access to Your Facebook Page

facebook facebook ads Mar 14, 2023

If you lose access, there is an effortless way to gain access to your account again, and this article will show you how to do that. You can lose access to your Facebook account in many ways, but thankfully you can prevent this from happening in the first place, and I’ll show you which steps to take.

Don't have time to read the article? Don't worry; I have you covered. You can watch the short video I made on this topic here: 



How You Can Lose Access to Your Facebook Account


Sometimes we lose access to our Facebook accounts because we have done something unintentionally or someone else wants control of the account. Whatever the case, you can be assured that you will eventually regain access (and control) of your Facebook account. 

Here are some common reasons why you may lose access to your Facebook account (and some simple tips to get access): 


You Forgot Your Password


We've all been there, so feel no shame. Just click on the forgot password button to set up a new one. 


Your Account Has Been Disabled


This occurs when you defy Facebook's Terms of Service or Community Standards, which can lead to your account being disabled either temporarily or permanently. For example, this happens if you harass other users, impersonate others, use a fake name, post hate speech, post graphic or pornographic content, threaten self-harm or participate in spamming or phishing activities. 

Sometimes, Facebook sends warnings before disabling an account, but they can also disable your account without notice. For example, one of my clients is a 50-year-old woman who made a post advertising her sunglasses brand and commented the word “unisex” in the caption. Facebook flagged this as “child pornography” and disabled the account without warning. The story's moral is this: sometimes Facebook will misidentify you as committing an account policy violation when you did not. Therefore, it’s best to avoid anything that might be flagged, such as mentioning the word “sex” in a post.

If this happens to you, Facebook provides a Disabled Account Appeal form online for people who want to appeal the action taken. However, the best option is to abide by Facebook's Terms of Service and Community Standards in the first place. 




In the worst-case situation, your account can get hacked. Unfortunately, the hackers do not have your or your audience's best interests in mind, which usually leads to them getting your account disabled for violating Facebook's Terms of Service and Community Standards. So their time online posing as you or your company will be limited, but they can do considerable damage during that time. 

Thankfully, there are things that you can do to prevent this from happening in the first place:

  • Avoid clicking links from spam mail. These attacks include requests via Facebook messages, chat, and phishing links that redirect you to fake websites or send malicious links that retrieve your personal information or harm your computer. You may also receive emails that look like they're from Facebook but are actually from a phishing website.
  • Don't give out your Facebook login to anyone. I go over why this is a bad idea in this article here. 
  • Follow Facebook's best practices for securing your account. This includes creating a strong password and confirming your mobile number, which helps ensure that you are the only one that gets any new password reset requests and confirmation codes from Facebook. You can also turn on two-factor authentication. 

If you think you've been hacked, visit to secure your account.


Admin Privileges 


As a business, you'll often bring in someone to manage your business page on Facebook and other social media platforms. When you give them admin access to your account, these individuals can grant or remove admin privileges too. 

If you need that admin access back, follow the steps outlined below. 


How You Can Fix Your Facebook Account Access Issues


Now that we understand how and why you can lose access to your Facebook account, we still need to recover control of them. Here are the simple steps to take to get back on track:

Step 1: Log in to and click Settings in the left-hand panel.

Step 2: Click on Business Settings.



Step 3: Scroll down until you see "Setup Guide," then click on it.

Step 4: You can now claim ownership of your Facebook page, ad accounts, etc.



In Summary


As you can see, you can lose access to your account in various ways. This is usually preventable if you adhere to Facebook's Terms of Service and Community Standards or by securing your account. Thankfully, there's a quick and easy way to regain control of your account if something does occur. 

Need some help? Book a call with me so we can troubleshoot any challenges you face. I'd love to help you out in any way that I can!


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